Loyalty Recycling Program
Blé de Fonty -Fresh, Effective, No Preservative.
Redefining the concept of skin care in the new era of sustainability.
With the selection of packaging materials that are recyclable and degradable,
we have extended the "green and low-carbon" approach to every product of the brand.

Blé de Fonty's "Loyalty Recycling Program" works as follows:
For every 6 iron/tin Blé de Fonty boxes that you send back to our retail shop for recycling, you can collect our green credit that can be used to exchange for coupons or designated gifts.
Put 3 Blé de Fonty iron boxes into bags Consulting the exclusive customer service of "environmental recycling" one-to-one.
Please take out the empty box of Blé de Fonty immediately . Start your journey of Blé de Fonty "Loyalty Recycling Program"
Blé de Fonty waiting for you!